Welcome to Post Event Messaging Info!

Post Event Messaging Info is a community-compiled resource for finding and sharing information about Post Event Messaging (PEM) in order to help organisations better understand, implement, and use PEM within their services.

What is PEM?

Post Event Messaging (PEM) in the context of NHS 111 is an electronic document that is transmitted to GP practices at the end of an NHS 111 Call. There are essentially two types of PEM a GP can receive:

  • ‘for action’ meaning a patient has been referred back to their own GP with a timeframe associated with it

  • ‘for information’ message, which is for the GP to inspect and file against the patient's record

During the NHS 111 deployment it became clear that the technology out of Hours services were using would not scale and would cause significant problems. Two new methods were created for areas using CDA messages over ITK or NHSMail. Practices not using these newer technologies are subjected to many of the identifed issues.